Why Some Art Sticks with You Forever (And Most Just… Doesn’t)

Ever seen a painting, heard a song, or watched a film that just wouldn’t f^%king leave your brain? Like, it planted a flag in your soul and set up camp, while other supposedly “great” works barely made a dent? That’s not an accident. That’s the magic of the sensory-cognitive-emotional triad, the three-part system that makes art powerful, … Read more

You’re Mostly Empty Space: The Mind-Blowing Science of What You’re Actually Made Of

Wait… I’m What Now?! So, you think you’re solid? That when you smack your hand on a table, it’s one solid thing hitting another solid thing? Yeah, NOPE. What’s actually happening is a bunch of tiny, mostly-empty particles in your hand repelling a bunch of tiny, mostly-empty particles in the table—and that’s what makes it feel solid.  … Read more